# type: ignore """ model naming convention # Open-AI models: include prefix openai-* # HuggingFace include prefix hf-* """ from typing import Any, List, Tuple import os import sys from pathlib import Path sys.path.append(str(Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent) + "/tools/NLP/data") sys.path.append(str(Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent) + "/tools/NLP") sys.path.append(str(Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent) + "/tools") sys.path.append(str(Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent) + "/utils") import config import dotenv import internet import openai from ChatGPT import Chatbot from transformers import pipeline dotenv.load_dotenv() def answer( query: str, model: str = "openai-chatgpt", GOOGLE_SEARCH_API_KEY: str = "", GOOGLE_SEARCH_ENGINE_ID: str = "", OPENAI_API_KEY: str = "", CHATGPT_SESSION_TOKEN: str = "", ) -> tuple[Any, list[str]]: if OPENAI_API_KEY == "": OPENAI_API_KEY = str(os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY")) openai.api_key = OPENAI_API_KEY if CHATGPT_SESSION_TOKEN == "": CHATGPT_SESSION_TOKEN = str(os.environ.get("CHATGPT_SESSION_TOKEN")) if not (model.startswith("openai-") or model.startswith("hf-")): model = "openai-chatgpt" # Default print("Scraping the Internet") results: tuple[list[str], list[str]] = internet.Google( query, GOOGLE_SEARCH_API_KEY, GOOGLE_SEARCH_ENGINE_ID ).google() print("Done scraping the Internet") context: str = str(" ".join([str(string) for string in results])) print(f"context: {context}") if model.startswith("openai-"): if model == "openai-chatgpt": # ChatGPT prompt = f'Use the context: {context[:4000]} and answer the question: "{query}" with the context and prior knowledge. Also write at the very least long answers.' chatbot = Chatbot( {"session_token": CHATGPT_SESSION_TOKEN}, conversation_id=None, parent_id=None, ) response = chatbot.ask( prompt=prompt, conversation_id=None, parent_id=None, ) return (response["message"], results[1]) else: if model == "openai-text-davinci-003": # text-davinci-003 prompt = f'Use the context: {context[:3000]} and answer the question: "{query}" with the context and prior knowledge. Also write at the very least long answers.' response = openai.Completion.create( model="text-davinci-003", prompt=prompt, max_tokens=len(context), n=1, stop=None, temperature=0.5, ) return (response.choices[0].text, results[1]) # TODO: add suport later else: # HuggingFace model = model.replace("hf-", "", 1) qa_model = pipeline("question-answering", model=model) response = qa_model(question=query, context=context) return (response["answer"], results[1])