from typing import List import concurrent.futures import re def filter_relevant(sentences: list[str], question: str) -> list[str]: def is_relevant(sentence: str) -> bool: # Use regular expression to check if the sentence contains any of the words in the question return bool("\b" + "\\b|\\b".join(question.split()) + r"\b", sentence) ) # Create a thread pool with 4 worker threads with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=500) as executor: # Map the is_relevant function to each sentence in the list and return the resulting list of booleans relevant = list(, sentences)) # Return only the sentences where is_relevant returned True return [sentence for sentence, relevant in zip(sentences, relevant) if relevant] # # Example usage # context = ["The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.", "The slow green snake slithers under the rock."] # question = "quick brown fox" # relevant_context = filter_relevant_context(context, question) # print(relevant_context) # Output: ["The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."]