From 2dc4a9454a498dad223b03dfbd4c505745160226 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Thamognya Kodi Date: Sat, 24 Dec 2022 20:37:17 +0700 Subject: [PATCH] started on research paper --- research/.containerignore | 301 +++ research/.gitignore | 301 +++ .../paper/Internet-NLP/main.tex} | 0 .../paper}/ | 0 research/Internet-NLP/paper/abstract/main.tex | 1 + research/Internet-NLP/paper/acl.sty | 315 +++ research/Internet-NLP/paper/acl_latex.tex | 270 +++ research/Internet-NLP/paper/acl_natbib.bst | 1979 +++++++++++++++++ research/Internet-NLP/paper/appendix/main.tex | 0 research/Internet-NLP/paper/ | 7 + research/Internet-NLP/paper/future/main.tex | 0 .../Internet-NLP/paper/introduction/main.tex | 0 research/Internet-NLP/paper/main.pdf | Bin 0 -> 33709 bytes research/Internet-NLP/paper/main.tex | 73 + .../Internet-NLP/paper/preliminaries/main.tex | 0 research/Internet-NLP/paper/ref.bib | 0 .../Internet-NLP/paper/related_work/main.tex | 0 scripts/ | 2 +- 18 files changed, 3248 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 research/.containerignore create mode 100644 research/.gitignore rename research/{paper/ => Internet-NLP/paper/Internet-NLP/main.tex} (100%) rename research/{presentation => Internet-NLP/paper}/ (100%) create mode 100644 research/Internet-NLP/paper/abstract/main.tex create mode 100644 research/Internet-NLP/paper/acl.sty create mode 100644 research/Internet-NLP/paper/acl_latex.tex create mode 100644 research/Internet-NLP/paper/acl_natbib.bst create mode 100644 research/Internet-NLP/paper/appendix/main.tex create mode 100755 research/Internet-NLP/paper/ create mode 100644 research/Internet-NLP/paper/future/main.tex create mode 100644 research/Internet-NLP/paper/introduction/main.tex create mode 100644 research/Internet-NLP/paper/main.pdf create mode 100644 research/Internet-NLP/paper/main.tex create mode 100644 research/Internet-NLP/paper/preliminaries/main.tex create mode 100644 research/Internet-NLP/paper/ref.bib create mode 100644 research/Internet-NLP/paper/related_work/main.tex diff --git a/research/.containerignore b/research/.containerignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e964244 --- /dev/null +++ b/research/.containerignore @@ -0,0 +1,301 @@ +## Core latex/pdflatex auxiliary files: +*.aux +*.lof +*.log +*.lot +*.fls +*.out +*.toc +*.fmt +*.fot +*.cb +*.cb2 +.*.lb + +## Intermediate documents: +*.dvi +*.xdv +*-converted-to.* +# these rules might exclude image files for figures etc. +# *.ps +# *.eps +# *.pdf + +## Generated if empty string is given at "Please type another file name for output:" +.pdf + +## Bibliography auxiliary files (bibtex/biblatex/biber): +*.bbl +*.bcf +*.blg +*-blx.aux +*-blx.bib +*.run.xml + +## Build tool auxiliary files: +*.fdb_latexmk +*.synctex +*.synctex(busy) +*.synctex.gz +*.synctex.gz(busy) +*.pdfsync + +## Build tool directories for auxiliary files +# latexrun +latex.out/ + +## Auxiliary and intermediate files from other packages: +# algorithms +*.alg +*.loa + +# achemso +acs-*.bib + +# amsthm +*.thm + +# beamer +*.nav +*.pre +*.snm +*.vrb + +# changes +*.soc + +# comment +*.cut + +# cprotect +*.cpt + +# elsarticle (documentclass of Elsevier journals) +*.spl + +# endnotes +*.ent + +# fixme +*.lox + +# feynmf/feynmp +*.mf +*.mp +*.t[1-9] +*.t[1-9][0-9] +*.tfm + +#(r)(e)ledmac/(r)(e)ledpar +*.end +*.?end +*.[1-9] +*.[1-9][0-9] +*.[1-9][0-9][0-9] +*.[1-9]R +*.[1-9][0-9]R +*.[1-9][0-9][0-9]R +*.eledsec[1-9] +*.eledsec[1-9]R +*.eledsec[1-9][0-9] +*.eledsec[1-9][0-9]R +*.eledsec[1-9][0-9][0-9] +*.eledsec[1-9][0-9][0-9]R + +# glossaries +*.acn +*.acr +*.glg +*.glo +*.gls +*.glsdefs +*.lzo +*.lzs +*.slg +*.slo +*.sls + +# uncomment this for glossaries-extra (will ignore makeindex's style files!) +# *.ist + +# gnuplot +*.gnuplot +*.table + +# gnuplottex +*-gnuplottex-* + +# gregoriotex +*.gaux +*.glog +*.gtex + +# htlatex +*.4ct +*.4tc +*.idv +*.lg +*.trc +*.xref + +# hyperref +*.brf + +# knitr +*-concordance.tex +# TODO Uncomment the next line if you use knitr and want to ignore its generated tikz files +# *.tikz +*-tikzDictionary + +# listings +*.lol + +# luatexja-ruby +*.ltjruby + +# makeidx +*.idx +*.ilg +*.ind + +# minitoc +*.maf +*.mlf +*.mlt +*.mtc[0-9]* +*.slf[0-9]* +*.slt[0-9]* +*.stc[0-9]* + +# minted +_minted* +*.pyg + +# morewrites +*.mw + +# newpax +*.newpax + +# nomencl +*.nlg +*.nlo +*.nls + +# pax +*.pax + +# pdfpcnotes +*.pdfpc + +# sagetex +*.sagetex.sage +* +*.sagetex.scmd + +# scrwfile +*.wrt + +# svg +svg-inkscape/ + +# sympy +*.sout +*.sympy +sympy-plots-for-*.tex/ + +# pdfcomment +*.upa +*.upb + +# pythontex +*.pytxcode +pythontex-files-*/ + +# tcolorbox +*.listing + +# thmtools +*.loe + +# TikZ & PGF +*.dpth +*.md5 +*.auxlock + +# titletoc +*.ptc + +# todonotes +*.tdo + +# vhistory +*.hst +*.ver + +# easy-todo +*.lod + +# xcolor +*.xcp + +# xmpincl +*.xmpi + +# xindy +*.xdy + +# xypic precompiled matrices and outlines +*.xyc +*.xyd + +# endfloat +*.ttt +*.fff + +# Latexian +TSWLatexianTemp* + +## Editors: +# WinEdt +*.bak +*.sav + +# Texpad +.texpadtmp + +# LyX +*.lyx~ + +# Kile +*.backup + +# gummi +.*.swp + +# KBibTeX +*~[0-9]* + +# TeXnicCenter +*.tps + +# auto folder when using emacs and auctex +./auto/* +*.el + +# expex forward references with \gathertags +*-tags.tex + +# standalone packages +*.sta + +# Makeindex log files +*.lpz + +# xwatermark package +*.xwm + +# REVTeX puts footnotes in the bibliography by default, unless the nofootinbib +# option is specified. Footnotes are the stored in a file with suffix Notes.bib. +# Uncomment the next line to have this generated file ignored. +#*Notes.bib diff --git a/research/.gitignore b/research/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e964244 --- /dev/null +++ b/research/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,301 @@ +## Core latex/pdflatex auxiliary files: +*.aux +*.lof +*.log +*.lot +*.fls +*.out +*.toc +*.fmt +*.fot +*.cb +*.cb2 +.*.lb + +## Intermediate documents: +*.dvi +*.xdv +*-converted-to.* +# these rules might exclude image files for figures etc. +# *.ps +# *.eps +# *.pdf + +## Generated if empty string is given at "Please type another file name for output:" +.pdf + +## Bibliography auxiliary files (bibtex/biblatex/biber): +*.bbl +*.bcf +*.blg +*-blx.aux +*-blx.bib +*.run.xml + +## Build tool auxiliary files: +*.fdb_latexmk +*.synctex +*.synctex(busy) +*.synctex.gz +*.synctex.gz(busy) +*.pdfsync + +## Build tool directories for auxiliary files +# latexrun +latex.out/ + +## Auxiliary and intermediate files from other packages: +# algorithms +*.alg +*.loa + +# achemso +acs-*.bib + +# amsthm +*.thm + +# beamer +*.nav +*.pre +*.snm +*.vrb + +# changes +*.soc + +# comment +*.cut + +# cprotect +*.cpt + +# elsarticle (documentclass of Elsevier journals) +*.spl + +# endnotes +*.ent + +# fixme +*.lox + +# feynmf/feynmp +*.mf +*.mp +*.t[1-9] +*.t[1-9][0-9] +*.tfm + +#(r)(e)ledmac/(r)(e)ledpar +*.end +*.?end +*.[1-9] +*.[1-9][0-9] +*.[1-9][0-9][0-9] +*.[1-9]R +*.[1-9][0-9]R +*.[1-9][0-9][0-9]R +*.eledsec[1-9] +*.eledsec[1-9]R +*.eledsec[1-9][0-9] +*.eledsec[1-9][0-9]R +*.eledsec[1-9][0-9][0-9] +*.eledsec[1-9][0-9][0-9]R + +# glossaries +*.acn +*.acr +*.glg +*.glo +*.gls +*.glsdefs +*.lzo +*.lzs +*.slg +*.slo +*.sls + +# uncomment this for glossaries-extra (will ignore makeindex's style files!) +# *.ist + +# gnuplot +*.gnuplot +*.table + +# gnuplottex +*-gnuplottex-* + +# gregoriotex +*.gaux +*.glog +*.gtex + +# htlatex +*.4ct +*.4tc +*.idv +*.lg +*.trc +*.xref + +# hyperref +*.brf + +# knitr +*-concordance.tex +# TODO Uncomment the next line if you use knitr and want to ignore its generated tikz files +# *.tikz +*-tikzDictionary + +# listings +*.lol + +# luatexja-ruby +*.ltjruby + +# makeidx +*.idx +*.ilg +*.ind + +# minitoc +*.maf +*.mlf +*.mlt +*.mtc[0-9]* +*.slf[0-9]* +*.slt[0-9]* +*.stc[0-9]* + +# minted +_minted* +*.pyg + +# morewrites +*.mw + +# newpax +*.newpax + +# nomencl +*.nlg +*.nlo +*.nls + +# pax +*.pax + +# pdfpcnotes +*.pdfpc + +# sagetex +*.sagetex.sage +* +*.sagetex.scmd + +# scrwfile +*.wrt + +# svg +svg-inkscape/ + +# sympy +*.sout +*.sympy +sympy-plots-for-*.tex/ + +# pdfcomment +*.upa +*.upb + +# pythontex +*.pytxcode +pythontex-files-*/ + +# tcolorbox +*.listing + +# thmtools +*.loe + +# TikZ & PGF +*.dpth +*.md5 +*.auxlock + +# titletoc +*.ptc + +# todonotes +*.tdo + +# vhistory +*.hst +*.ver + +# easy-todo +*.lod + +# xcolor +*.xcp + +# xmpincl +*.xmpi + +# xindy +*.xdy + +# xypic precompiled matrices and outlines +*.xyc +*.xyd + +# endfloat +*.ttt +*.fff + +# Latexian +TSWLatexianTemp* + +## Editors: +# WinEdt +*.bak +*.sav + +# Texpad +.texpadtmp + +# LyX +*.lyx~ + +# Kile +*.backup + +# gummi +.*.swp + +# KBibTeX +*~[0-9]* + +# TeXnicCenter +*.tps + +# auto folder when using emacs and auctex +./auto/* +*.el + +# expex forward references with \gathertags +*-tags.tex + +# standalone packages +*.sta + +# Makeindex log files +*.lpz + +# xwatermark package +*.xwm + +# REVTeX puts footnotes in the bibliography by default, unless the nofootinbib +# option is specified. Footnotes are the stored in a file with suffix Notes.bib. +# Uncomment the next line to have this generated file ignored. +#*Notes.bib diff --git a/research/paper/ b/research/Internet-NLP/paper/Internet-NLP/main.tex similarity index 100% rename from research/paper/ rename to research/Internet-NLP/paper/Internet-NLP/main.tex diff --git a/research/presentation/ b/research/Internet-NLP/paper/ similarity index 100% rename from research/presentation/ rename to research/Internet-NLP/paper/ diff --git a/research/Internet-NLP/paper/abstract/main.tex b/research/Internet-NLP/paper/abstract/main.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..32f95c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/research/Internet-NLP/paper/abstract/main.tex @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +hi \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/research/Internet-NLP/paper/acl.sty b/research/Internet-NLP/paper/acl.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9dcc3c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/research/Internet-NLP/paper/acl.sty @@ -0,0 +1,315 @@ +% This is the LaTex style file for *ACL. +% The official sources can be found at +% +% +% +% This package is activated by adding +% +% \usepackage{acl} +% +% to your LaTeX file. When submitting your paper for review, add the "review" option: +% +% \usepackage[review]{acl} + +\newif\ifacl@finalcopy +\DeclareOption{final}{\acl@finalcopytrue} +\DeclareOption{review}{\acl@finalcopyfalse} +\ExecuteOptions{final} % final copy is the default + +% include hyperref, unless user specifies nohyperref option like this: +% \usepackage[nohyperref]{acl} +\newif\ifacl@hyperref +\DeclareOption{hyperref}{\acl@hyperreftrue} +\DeclareOption{nohyperref}{\acl@hyperreffalse} +\ExecuteOptions{hyperref} % default is to use hyperref +\ProcessOptions\relax + +\typeout{Conference Style for ACL} + +\usepackage{xcolor} + +\ifacl@finalcopy + % Hack to ignore these commands, which review mode puts into the .aux file. + \newcommand{\@LN@col}[1]{} + \newcommand{\@LN}[2]{} +\else + % Add draft line numbering via the lineno package + % + \usepackage[switch,mathlines]{lineno} + + % Line numbers in gray Helvetica 8pt + \font\aclhv = phvb at 8pt + \renewcommand\linenumberfont{\aclhv\color{lightgray}} + + % Zero-fill line numbers + % NUMBER with left flushed zeros \fillzeros[] + \newcount\cv@tmpc@ \newcount\cv@tmpc + \def\fillzeros[#1]#2{\cv@tmpc@=#2\relax\ifnum\cv@tmpc@<0\cv@tmpc@=-\cv@tmpc@\fi + \cv@tmpc=1 % + \loop\ifnum\cv@tmpc@<10 \else \divide\cv@tmpc@ by 10 \advance\cv@tmpc by 1 \fi + \ifnum\cv@tmpc@=10\relax\cv@tmpc@=11\relax\fi \ifnum\cv@tmpc@>10 \repeat + \ifnum#2<0\advance\cv@tmpc1\relax-\fi + \loop\ifnum\cv@tmpc<#1\relax0\advance\cv@tmpc1\relax\fi \ifnum\cv@tmpc<#1 \repeat + \cv@tmpc@=#2\relax\ifnum\cv@tmpc@<0\cv@tmpc@=-\cv@tmpc@\fi \relax\the\cv@tmpc@}% + \renewcommand\thelinenumber{\fillzeros[3]{\arabic{linenumber}}} + \linenumbers + + \setlength{\linenumbersep}{1.6cm} + + % Bug: An equation with $$ ... $$ isn't numbered, nor is the previous line. + + % Patch amsmath commands so that the previous line and the equation itself + % are numbered. Bug: multline has an extra line number. + % + \usepackage{etoolbox} %% <- for \pretocmd, \apptocmd and \patchcmd + + \newcommand*\linenomathpatch[1]{% + \expandafter\pretocmd\csname #1\endcsname {\linenomath}{}{}% + \expandafter\pretocmd\csname #1*\endcsname {\linenomath}{}{}% + \expandafter\apptocmd\csname end#1\endcsname {\endlinenomath}{}{}% + \expandafter\apptocmd\csname end#1*\endcsname {\endlinenomath}{}{}% + } + \newcommand*\linenomathpatchAMS[1]{% + \expandafter\pretocmd\csname #1\endcsname {\linenomathAMS}{}{}% + \expandafter\pretocmd\csname #1*\endcsname {\linenomathAMS}{}{}% + \expandafter\apptocmd\csname end#1\endcsname {\endlinenomath}{}{}% + \expandafter\apptocmd\csname end#1*\endcsname {\endlinenomath}{}{}% + } + + %% Definition of \linenomathAMS depends on whether the mathlines option is provided + \expandafter\ifx\linenomath\linenomathWithnumbers + \let\linenomathAMS\linenomathWithnumbers + %% The following line gets rid of an extra line numbers at the bottom: + \patchcmd\linenomathAMS{\advance\postdisplaypenalty\linenopenalty}{}{}{} + \else + \let\linenomathAMS\linenomathNonumbers + \fi + + \AtBeginDocument{% + \linenomathpatch{equation}% + \linenomathpatchAMS{gather}% + \linenomathpatchAMS{multline}% + \linenomathpatchAMS{align}% + \linenomathpatchAMS{alignat}% + \linenomathpatchAMS{flalign}% + } +\fi + +\iffalse +\PassOptionsToPackage{ + a4paper, + top=2.21573cm,left=2.54cm, + textheight=24.7cm,textwidth=16.0cm, + headheight=0.17573cm,headsep=0cm +}{geometry} +\fi +\PassOptionsToPackage{a4paper,margin=2.5cm}{geometry} +\RequirePackage{geometry} + +\setlength\columnsep{0.6cm} +\newlength\titlebox +\setlength\titlebox{5cm} + +\twocolumn \sloppy + +% We're never going to need a table of contents, so just flush it to +% save space --- suggested by drstrip@sandia-2 +\def\addcontentsline#1#2#3{} + +\ifacl@finalcopy + \thispagestyle{empty} + \pagestyle{empty} +\else + \pagenumbering{arabic} +\fi + +%% Title and Authors %% + +\newcommand{\Thanks}[1]{\thanks{\ #1}} + +\newcommand\outauthor{ + \begin{tabular}[t]{c} + \ifacl@finalcopy + \bf\@author + \else + % Avoiding common accidental de-anonymization issue. --MM + \bf Anonymous ACL submission + \fi + \end{tabular}} + +% Mostly taken from deproc. +\AtBeginDocument{ +\def\maketitle{\par + \begingroup + \def\thefootnote{\fnsymbol{footnote}} + \def\@makefnmark{\hbox to 0pt{$^{\@thefnmark}$\hss}} + \twocolumn[\@maketitle] \@thanks + \endgroup + \setcounter{footnote}{0} + \let\maketitle\relax \let\@maketitle\relax + \gdef\@thanks{}\gdef\@author{}\gdef\@title{}\let\thanks\relax} +\def\@maketitle{\vbox to \titlebox{\hsize\textwidth + \linewidth\hsize \vskip 0.125in minus 0.125in \centering + {\Large\bf \@title \par} \vskip 0.2in plus 1fil minus 0.1in + {\def\and{\unskip\enspace{\rm and}\enspace}% + \def\And{\end{tabular}\hss \egroup \hskip 1in plus 2fil + \hbox to 0pt\bgroup\hss \begin{tabular}[t]{c}\bf}% + \def\AND{\end{tabular}\hss\egroup \hfil\hfil\egroup + \vskip 0.25in plus 1fil minus 0.125in + \hbox to \linewidth\bgroup\large \hfil\hfil + \hbox to 0pt\bgroup\hss \begin{tabular}[t]{c}\bf} + \hbox to \linewidth\bgroup\large \hfil\hfil + \hbox to 0pt\bgroup\hss + \outauthor + \hss\egroup + \hfil\hfil\egroup} + \vskip 0.3in plus 2fil minus 0.1in +}} +} + +% margins and font size for abstract +\renewenvironment{abstract}% + {\centerline{\large\bf Abstract}% + \begin{list}{}% + {\setlength{\rightmargin}{0.6cm}% + \setlength{\leftmargin}{0.6cm}}% + \item[]\ignorespaces% + \@setsize\normalsize{12pt}\xpt\@xpt + }% + {\unskip\end{list}} + +%\renewenvironment{abstract}{\centerline{\large\bf +% Abstract}\vspace{0.5ex}\begin{quote}}{\par\end{quote}\vskip 1ex} + +% Resizing figure and table captions - SL +% Support for interacting with the caption, subfigure, and subcaption packages - SL +\RequirePackage{caption} +\DeclareCaptionFont{10pt}{\fontsize{10pt}{12pt}\selectfont} +\captionsetup{font=10pt} + +\RequirePackage{natbib} +% for citation commands in the .tex, authors can use: +% \citep, \citet, and \citeyearpar for compatibility with natbib, or +% \cite, \newcite, and \shortcite for compatibility with older ACL .sty files +\renewcommand\cite{\citep} % to get "(Author Year)" with natbib +\newcommand\shortcite{\citeyearpar}% to get "(Year)" with natbib +\newcommand\newcite{\citet} % to get "Author (Year)" with natbib + +\bibliographystyle{acl_natbib} + +% Bibliography + +% Don't put a label in the bibliography at all. Just use the unlabeled format +% instead. +\def\thebibliography#1{\vskip\parskip% +\vskip\baselineskip% +\def\baselinestretch{1}% +\ifx\@currsize\normalsize\@normalsize\else\@currsize\fi% +\vskip-\parskip% +\vskip-\baselineskip% +\section*{References\@mkboth + {References}{References}}\list + {}{\setlength{\labelwidth}{0pt}\setlength{\leftmargin}{\parindent} + \setlength{\itemindent}{-\parindent}} + \def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus -.07em} + \sloppy\clubpenalty4000\widowpenalty4000 + \sfcode`\.=1000\relax} +\let\endthebibliography=\endlist + + +% Allow for a bibliography of sources of attested examples +\def\thesourcebibliography#1{\vskip\parskip% +\vskip\baselineskip% +\def\baselinestretch{1}% +\ifx\@currsize\normalsize\@normalsize\else\@currsize\fi% +\vskip-\parskip% +\vskip-\baselineskip% +\section*{Sources of Attested Examples\@mkboth + {Sources of Attested Examples}{Sources of Attested Examples}}\list + {}{\setlength{\labelwidth}{0pt}\setlength{\leftmargin}{\parindent} + \setlength{\itemindent}{-\parindent}} + \def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus -.07em} + \sloppy\clubpenalty4000\widowpenalty4000 + \sfcode`\.=1000\relax} +\let\endthesourcebibliography=\endlist + +% sections with less space +\def\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}{-2.0ex plus + -0.5ex minus -.2ex}{1.5ex plus 0.3ex minus .2ex}{\large\bf\raggedright}} +\def\subsection{\@startsection{subsection}{2}{\z@}{-1.8ex plus + -0.5ex minus -.2ex}{0.8ex plus .2ex}{\normalsize\bf\raggedright}} +%% changed by KO to - values to get the initial parindent right +\def\subsubsection{\@startsection{subsubsection}{3}{\z@}{-1.5ex plus + -0.5ex minus -.2ex}{0.5ex plus .2ex}{\normalsize\bf\raggedright}} +\def\paragraph{\@startsection{paragraph}{4}{\z@}{1.5ex plus + 0.5ex minus .2ex}{-1em}{\normalsize\bf}} +\def\subparagraph{\@startsection{subparagraph}{5}{\parindent}{1.5ex plus + 0.5ex minus .2ex}{-1em}{\normalsize\bf}} + +% Footnotes +\footnotesep 6.65pt % +\skip\footins 9pt plus 4pt minus 2pt +\def\footnoterule{\kern-3pt \hrule width 5pc \kern 2.6pt } +\setcounter{footnote}{0} + +% Lists and paragraphs +\parindent 1em +\topsep 4pt plus 1pt minus 2pt +\partopsep 1pt plus 0.5pt minus 0.5pt +\itemsep 2pt plus 1pt minus 0.5pt +\parsep 2pt plus 1pt minus 0.5pt + +\leftmargin 2em \leftmargini\leftmargin \leftmarginii 2em +\leftmarginiii 1.5em \leftmarginiv 1.0em \leftmarginv .5em \leftmarginvi .5em +\labelwidth\leftmargini\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep \labelsep 5pt + +\def\@listi{\leftmargin\leftmargini} +\def\@listii{\leftmargin\leftmarginii + \labelwidth\leftmarginii\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep + \topsep 2pt plus 1pt minus 0.5pt + \parsep 1pt plus 0.5pt minus 0.5pt + \itemsep \parsep} +\def\@listiii{\leftmargin\leftmarginiii + \labelwidth\leftmarginiii\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep + \topsep 1pt plus 0.5pt minus 0.5pt + \parsep \z@ \partopsep 0.5pt plus 0pt minus 0.5pt + \itemsep \topsep} +\def\@listiv{\leftmargin\leftmarginiv + \labelwidth\leftmarginiv\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep} +\def\@listv{\leftmargin\leftmarginv + \labelwidth\leftmarginv\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep} +\def\@listvi{\leftmargin\leftmarginvi + \labelwidth\leftmarginvi\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep} + +\abovedisplayskip 7pt plus2pt minus5pt% +\belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip +\abovedisplayshortskip 0pt plus3pt% +\belowdisplayshortskip 4pt plus3pt minus3pt% + +% Less leading in most fonts (due to the narrow columns) +% The choices were between 1-pt and 1.5-pt leading +\def\@normalsize{\@setsize\normalsize{11pt}\xpt\@xpt} +\def\small{\@setsize\small{10pt}\ixpt\@ixpt} +\def\footnotesize{\@setsize\footnotesize{10pt}\ixpt\@ixpt} +\def\scriptsize{\@setsize\scriptsize{8pt}\viipt\@viipt} +\def\tiny{\@setsize\tiny{7pt}\vipt\@vipt} +\def\large{\@setsize\large{14pt}\xiipt\@xiipt} +\def\Large{\@setsize\Large{16pt}\xivpt\@xivpt} +\def\LARGE{\@setsize\LARGE{20pt}\xviipt\@xviipt} +\def\huge{\@setsize\huge{23pt}\xxpt\@xxpt} +\def\Huge{\@setsize\Huge{28pt}\xxvpt\@xxvpt} + +% The hyperref manual (section 9) says hyperref should be loaded after natbib +\ifacl@hyperref + \PassOptionsToPackage{breaklinks}{hyperref} + \RequirePackage{hyperref} + % make links dark blue + \definecolor{darkblue}{rgb}{0, 0, 0.5} + \hypersetup{colorlinks=true, citecolor=darkblue, linkcolor=darkblue, urlcolor=darkblue} +\else + % This definition is used if the hyperref package is not loaded. + % It provides a backup, no-op definiton of \href. + % This is necessary because \href command is used in the acl_natbib.bst file. + \def\href#1#2{{#2}} + \usepackage{url} +\fi diff --git a/research/Internet-NLP/paper/acl_latex.tex b/research/Internet-NLP/paper/acl_latex.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..99d86e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/research/Internet-NLP/paper/acl_latex.tex @@ -0,0 +1,270 @@ +% This must be in the first 5 lines to tell arXiv to use pdfLaTeX, which is strongly recommended. +\pdfoutput=1 +% In particular, the hyperref package requires pdfLaTeX in order to break URLs across lines. + +\documentclass[11pt]{article} + +% Remove the "review" option to generate the final version. +\usepackage[review]{acl} + +% Standard package includes +\usepackage{times} +\usepackage{latexsym} + +% For proper rendering and hyphenation of words containing Latin characters (including in bib files) +\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} +% For Vietnamese characters +% \usepackage[T5]{fontenc} +% See for other character sets + +% This assumes your files are encoded as UTF8 +\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} + +% This is not strictly necessary, and may be commented out, +% but it will improve the layout of the manuscript, +% and will typically save some space. +\usepackage{microtype} + +% If the title and author information does not fit in the area allocated, uncomment the following +% +%\setlength\titlebox{} +% +% and set to something 5cm or larger. + +\title{Instructions for *ACL Proceedings} + +% Author information can be set in various styles: +% For several authors from the same institution: +% \author{Author 1 \and ... \and Author n \\ +% Address line \\ ... \\ Address line} +% if the names do not fit well on one line use +% Author 1 \\ {\bf Author 2} \\ ... \\ {\bf Author n} \\ +% For authors from different institutions: +% \author{Author 1 \\ Address line \\ ... \\ Address line +% \And ... \And +% Author n \\ Address line \\ ... \\ Address line} +% To start a seperate ``row'' of authors use \AND, as in +% \author{Author 1 \\ Address line \\ ... \\ Address line +% \AND +% Author 2 \\ Address line \\ ... \\ Address line \And +% Author 3 \\ Address line \\ ... \\ Address line} + +\author{First Author \\ + Affiliation / Address line 1 \\ + Affiliation / Address line 2 \\ + Affiliation / Address line 3 \\ + \texttt{email@domain} \\\And + Second Author \\ + Affiliation / Address line 1 \\ + Affiliation / Address line 2 \\ + Affiliation / Address line 3 \\ + \texttt{email@domain} \\} + +\begin{document} +\maketitle +\begin{abstract} +This document is a supplement to the general instructions for *ACL authors. It contains instructions for using the \LaTeX{} style files for ACL conferences. +The document itself conforms to its own specifications, and is therefore an example of what your manuscript should look like. +These instructions should be used both for papers submitted for review and for final versions of accepted papers. +\end{abstract} + +\section{Introduction} + +These instructions are for authors submitting papers to *ACL conferences using \LaTeX. They are not self-contained. All authors must follow the general instructions for *ACL proceedings,\footnote{\url{}} and this document contains additional instructions for the \LaTeX{} style files. + +The templates include the \LaTeX{} source of this document (\texttt{acl.tex}), +the \LaTeX{} style file used to format it (\texttt{acl.sty}), +an ACL bibliography style (\texttt{acl\_natbib.bst}), +an example bibliography (\texttt{custom.bib}), +and the bibliography for the ACL Anthology (\texttt{anthology.bib}). + +\section{Engines} + +To produce a PDF file, pdf\LaTeX{} is strongly recommended (over original \LaTeX{} plus dvips+ps2pdf or dvipdf). Xe\LaTeX{} also produces PDF files, and is especially suitable for text in non-Latin scripts. + +\section{Preamble} + +The first line of the file must be +\begin{quote} +\begin{verbatim} +\documentclass[11pt]{article} +\end{verbatim} +\end{quote} + +To load the style file in the review version: +\begin{quote} +\begin{verbatim} +\usepackage[review]{acl} +\end{verbatim} +\end{quote} +For the final version, omit the \verb|review| option: +\begin{quote} +\begin{verbatim} +\usepackage{acl} +\end{verbatim} +\end{quote} + +To use Times Roman, put the following in the preamble: +\begin{quote} +\begin{verbatim} +\usepackage{times} +\end{verbatim} +\end{quote} +(Alternatives like txfonts or newtx are also acceptable.) + +Please see the \LaTeX{} source of this document for comments on other packages that may be useful. + +Set the title and author using \verb|\title| and \verb|\author|. Within the author list, format multiple authors using \verb|\and| and \verb|\And| and \verb|\AND|; please see the \LaTeX{} source for examples. + +By default, the box containing the title and author names is set to the minimum of 5 cm. If you need more space, include the following in the preamble: +\begin{quote} +\begin{verbatim} +\setlength\titlebox{} +\end{verbatim} +\end{quote} +where \verb|| is replaced with a length. Do not set this length smaller than 5 cm. + +\section{Document Body} + +\subsection{Footnotes} + +Footnotes are inserted with the \verb|\footnote| command.\footnote{This is a footnote.} + +\subsection{Tables and figures} + +See Table~\ref{tab:accents} for an example of a table and its caption. +\textbf{Do not override the default caption sizes.} + +\begin{table} +\centering +\begin{tabular}{lc} +\hline +\textbf{Command} & \textbf{Output}\\ +\hline +\verb|{\"a}| & {\"a} \\ +\verb|{\^e}| & {\^e} \\ +\verb|{\`i}| & {\`i} \\ +\verb|{\.I}| & {\.I} \\ +\verb|{\o}| & {\o} \\ +\verb|{\'u}| & {\'u} \\ +\verb|{\aa}| & {\aa} \\\hline +\end{tabular} +\begin{tabular}{lc} +\hline +\textbf{Command} & \textbf{Output}\\ +\hline +\verb|{\c c}| & {\c c} \\ +\verb|{\u g}| & {\u g} \\ +\verb|{\l}| & {\l} \\ +\verb|{\~n}| & {\~n} \\ +\verb|{\H o}| & {\H o} \\ +\verb|{\v r}| & {\v r} \\ +\verb|{\ss}| & {\ss} \\ +\hline +\end{tabular} +\caption{Example commands for accented characters, to be used in, \emph{e.g.}, Bib\TeX{} entries.} +\label{tab:accents} +\end{table} + +\subsection{Hyperlinks} + +Users of older versions of \LaTeX{} may encounter the following error during compilation: +\begin{quote} +\tt\verb|\pdfendlink| ended up in different nesting level than \verb|\pdfstartlink|. +\end{quote} +This happens when pdf\LaTeX{} is used and a citation splits across a page boundary. The best way to fix this is to upgrade \LaTeX{} to 2018-12-01 or later. + +\subsection{Citations} + +\begin{table*} +\centering +\begin{tabular}{lll} +\hline +\textbf{Output} & \textbf{natbib command} & \textbf{Old ACL-style command}\\ +\hline +\citep{Gusfield:97} & \verb|\citep| & \verb|\cite| \\ +\citealp{Gusfield:97} & \verb|\citealp| & no equivalent \\ +\citet{Gusfield:97} & \verb|\citet| & \verb|\newcite| \\ +\citeyearpar{Gusfield:97} & \verb|\citeyearpar| & \verb|\shortcite| \\ +\hline +\end{tabular} +\caption{\label{citation-guide} +Citation commands supported by the style file. +The style is based on the natbib package and supports all natbib citation commands. +It also supports commands defined in previous ACL style files for compatibility. +} +\end{table*} + +Table~\ref{citation-guide} shows the syntax supported by the style files. +We encourage you to use the natbib styles. +You can use the command \verb|\citet| (cite in text) to get ``author (year)'' citations, like this citation to a paper by \citet{Gusfield:97}. +You can use the command \verb|\citep| (cite in parentheses) to get ``(author, year)'' citations \citep{Gusfield:97}. +You can use the command \verb|\citealp| (alternative cite without parentheses) to get ``author, year'' citations, which is useful for using citations within parentheses (e.g. \citealp{Gusfield:97}). + +\subsection{References} + +\nocite{Ando2005,andrew2007scalable,rasooli-tetrault-2015} + +The \LaTeX{} and Bib\TeX{} style files provided roughly follow the American Psychological Association format. +If your own bib file is named \texttt{custom.bib}, then placing the following before any appendices in your \LaTeX{} file will generate the references section for you: +\begin{quote} +\begin{verbatim} +\bibliography{custom} +\end{verbatim} +\end{quote} + +You can obtain the complete ACL Anthology as a Bib\TeX{} file from \url{}. +To include both the Anthology and your own .bib file, use the following instead of the above. +\begin{quote} +\begin{verbatim} +\bibliography{anthology,custom} +\end{verbatim} +\end{quote} + +Please see Section~\ref{sec:bibtex} for information on preparing Bib\TeX{} files. + +\subsection{Appendices} + +Use \verb|\appendix| before any appendix section to switch the section numbering over to letters. See Appendix~\ref{sec:appendix} for an example. + +\section{Bib\TeX{} Files} +\label{sec:bibtex} + +Unicode cannot be used in Bib\TeX{} entries, and some ways of typing special characters can disrupt Bib\TeX's alphabetization. The recommended way of typing special characters is shown in Table~\ref{tab:accents}. + +Please ensure that Bib\TeX{} records contain DOIs or URLs when possible, and for all the ACL materials that you reference. +Use the \verb|doi| field for DOIs and the \verb|url| field for URLs. +If a Bib\TeX{} entry has a URL or DOI field, the paper title in the references section will appear as a hyperlink to the paper, using the hyperref \LaTeX{} package. + +\section*{Acknowledgements} + +This document has been adapted +by Steven Bethard, Ryan Cotterell and Rui Yan +from the instructions for earlier ACL and NAACL proceedings, including those for +ACL 2019 by Douwe Kiela and Ivan Vuli\'{c}, +NAACL 2019 by Stephanie Lukin and Alla Roskovskaya, +ACL 2018 by Shay Cohen, Kevin Gimpel, and Wei Lu, +NAACL 2018 by Margaret Mitchell and Stephanie Lukin, +Bib\TeX{} suggestions for (NA)ACL 2017/2018 from Jason Eisner, +ACL 2017 by Dan Gildea and Min-Yen Kan, +NAACL 2017 by Margaret Mitchell, +ACL 2012 by Maggie Li and Michael White, +ACL 2010 by Jing-Shin Chang and Philipp Koehn, +ACL 2008 by Johanna D. Moore, Simone Teufel, James Allan, and Sadaoki Furui, +ACL 2005 by Hwee Tou Ng and Kemal Oflazer, +ACL 2002 by Eugene Charniak and Dekang Lin, +and earlier ACL and EACL formats written by several people, including +John Chen, Henry S. Thompson and Donald Walker. +Additional elements were taken from the formatting instructions of the \emph{International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence} and the \emph{Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition}. + +% Entries for the entire Anthology, followed by custom entries +\bibliography{anthology,custom} + +\appendix + +\section{Example Appendix} +\label{sec:appendix} + +This is an appendix. + +\end{document} diff --git a/research/Internet-NLP/paper/acl_natbib.bst b/research/Internet-NLP/paper/acl_natbib.bst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca56904 --- /dev/null +++ b/research/Internet-NLP/paper/acl_natbib.bst @@ -0,0 +1,1979 @@ +%%% Modification of BibTeX style file acl_natbib_nourl.bst +%%% ... by urlbst, version 0.7 (marked with "% urlbst") +%%% See +%%% Added webpage entry type, and url and lastchecked fields. +%%% Added eprint support. +%%% Added DOI support. +%%% Added PUBMED support. +%%% Added hyperref support. +%%% Original headers follow... + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% +% BibTeX style file acl_natbib_nourl.bst +% +% intended as input to urlbst script +% $ ./urlbst --hyperref --inlinelinks acl_natbib_nourl.bst > acl_natbib.bst +% +% adapted from compling.bst +% in order to mimic the style files for ACL conferences prior to 2017 +% by making the following three changes: +% - for @incollection, page numbers now follow volume title. +% - for @inproceedings, address now follows conference name. +% (address is intended as location of conference, +% not address of publisher.) +% - for papers with three authors, use et al. in citation +% Dan Gildea 2017/06/08 +% +% - fixed a bug with format.chapter - error given if chapter is empty +% with inbook. +% Shay Cohen 2018/02/16 +% +% - sort "van Noord" under "v" not "N" +% this is what previous ACL style files did and is pretty standard +% Dan Gildea 2019/04/12 + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% +% BibTeX style file compling.bst +% +% Intended for the journal Computational Linguistics (ACL/MIT Press) +% Created by Ron Artstein on 2005/08/22 +% For use with for author-year citations. +% +% I created this file in order to allow submissions to the journal +% Computational Linguistics using the package for author-year +% citations, which offers a lot more flexibility than , CL's +% official citation package. This file adheres strictly to the official +% style guide available from the MIT Press: +% +% +% +% This includes all the various quirks of the style guide, for example: +% - a chapter from a monograph (@inbook) has no page numbers. +% - an article from an edited volume (@incollection) has page numbers +% after the publisher and address. +% - an article from a proceedings volume (@inproceedings) has page +% numbers before the publisher and address. +% +% Where the style guide was inconsistent or not specific enough I +% looked at actual published articles and exercised my own judgment. +% I noticed two inconsistencies in the style guide: +% +% - The style guide gives one example of an article from an edited +% volume with the editor's name spelled out in full, and another +% with the editors' names abbreviated. I chose to accept the first +% one as correct, since the style guide generally shuns abbreviations, +% and editors' names are also spelled out in some recently published +% articles. +% +% - The style guide gives one example of a reference where the word +% "and" between two authors is preceded by a comma. This is most +% likely a typo, since in all other cases with just two authors or +% editors there is no comma before the word "and". +% +% One case where the style guide is not being specific is the placement +% of the edition number, for which no example is given. I chose to put +% it immediately after the title, which I (subjectively) find natural, +% and is also the place of the edition in a few recently published +% articles. +% +% This file correctly reproduces all of the examples in the official +% style guide, except for the two inconsistencies noted above. I even +% managed to get it to correctly format the proceedings example which +% has an organization, a publisher, and two addresses (the conference +% location and the publisher's address), though I cheated a bit by +% putting the conference location and month as part of the title field; +% I feel that in this case the conference location and month can be +% considered as part of the title, and that adding a location field +% is not justified. Note also that a location field is not standard, +% so entries made with this field would not port nicely to other styles. +% However, if authors feel that there's a need for a location field +% then tell me and I'll see what I can do. +% +% The file also produces to my satisfaction all the bibliographical +% entries in my recent (joint) submission to CL (this was the original +% motivation for creating the file). I also tested it by running it +% on a larger set of entries and eyeballing the results. There may of +% course still be errors, especially with combinations of fields that +% are not that common, or with cross-references (which I seldom use). +% If you find such errors please write to me. +% +% I hope people find this file useful. Please email me with comments +% and suggestions. +% +% Ron Artstein +% artstein [at] +% August 22, 2005. +% +% Some technical notes. +% +% This file is based on a file generated with the package +% by Patrick W. Daly (see selected options below), which was then +% manually customized to conform with certain CL requirements which +% cannot be met by . Departures from the generated file +% include: +% +% Function inbook: moved publisher and address to the end; moved +% edition after title; replaced function format.chapter.pages by +% new function format.chapter to output chapter without pages. +% +% Function inproceedings: moved publisher and address to the end; +% replaced function by new function +% to output the proceedings title without +% the editor. +% +% Functions book, incollection, manual: moved edition after title. +% +% Function mastersthesis: formatted title as for articles (unlike +% phdthesis which is formatted as book) and added month. +% +% Function proceedings: added new.sentence between organization and +% publisher when both are present. +% +% Function format.lab.names: modified so that it gives all the +% authors' surnames for in-text citations for one, two and three +% authors and only uses "et. al" for works with four authors or more +% (thanks to Ken Shan for convincing me to go through the trouble of +% modifying this function rather than using unreliable hacks). +% +% Changes: +% +% 2006-10-27: Changed function reverse.pass so that the extra label is +% enclosed in parentheses when the year field ends in an uppercase or +% lowercase letter (change modeled after Uli Sauerland's modification +% of nals.bst). RA. +% +% +% The preamble of the generated file begins below: +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +%% +%% This is file `compling.bst', +%% generated with the docstrip utility. +%% +%% The original source files were: +%% +%% merlin.mbs (with options: `ay,nat,vonx,nm-revv1,jnrlst,keyxyr,blkyear,dt-beg,yr-per,note-yr,num-xser,pre-pub,xedn,nfss') +%% ---------------------------------------- +%% *** Intended for the journal Computational Linguistics *** +%% +%% Copyright 1994-2002 Patrick W Daly + % =============================================================== + % IMPORTANT NOTICE: + % This bibliographic style (bst) file has been generated from one or + % more master bibliographic style (mbs) files, listed above. + % + % This generated file can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms + % of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN + % archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either + % version 1 of the License, or any later version. + % =============================================================== + % Name and version information of the main mbs file: + % \ProvidesFile{merlin.mbs}[2002/10/21 4.05 (PWD, AO, DPC)] + % For use with BibTeX version 0.99a or later + %------------------------------------------------------------------- + % This bibliography style file is intended for texts in ENGLISH + % This is an author-year citation style bibliography. As such, it is + % non-standard LaTeX, and requires a special package file to function properly. + % Such a package is natbib.sty by Patrick W. Daly + % The form of the \bibitem entries is + % \bibitem[Jones et al.(1990)]{key}... + % \bibitem[Jones et al.(1990)Jones, Baker, and Smith]{key}... + % The essential feature is that the label (the part in brackets) consists + % of the author names, as they should appear in the citation, with the year + % in parentheses following. There must be no space before the opening + % parenthesis! + % With natbib v5.3, a full list of authors may also follow the year. + % In natbib.sty, it is possible to define the type of enclosures that is + % really wanted (brackets or parentheses), but in either case, there must + % be parentheses in the label. + % The \cite command functions as follows: + % \citet{key} ==>> Jones et al. (1990) + % \citet*{key} ==>> Jones, Baker, and Smith (1990) + % \citep{key} ==>> (Jones et al., 1990) + % \citep*{key} ==>> (Jones, Baker, and Smith, 1990) + % \citep[chap. 2]{key} ==>> (Jones et al., 1990, chap. 2) + % \citep[e.g.][]{key} ==>> (e.g. Jones et al., 1990) + % \citep[e.g.][p. 32]{key} ==>> (e.g. Jones et al., p. 32) + % \citeauthor{key} ==>> Jones et al. + % \citeauthor*{key} ==>> Jones, Baker, and Smith + % \citeyear{key} ==>> 1990 + %--------------------------------------------------------------------- + +ENTRY + { address + author + booktitle + chapter + edition + editor + howpublished + institution + journal + key + month + note + number + organization + pages + publisher + school + series + title + type + volume + year + eprint % urlbst + doi % urlbst + pubmed % urlbst + url % urlbst + lastchecked % urlbst + } + {} + { label extra.label sort.label short.list } +INTEGERS { output.state before.all mid.sentence after.sentence after.block } +% urlbst... +% urlbst constants and state variables +STRINGS { urlintro + eprinturl eprintprefix doiprefix doiurl pubmedprefix pubmedurl + citedstring onlinestring linktextstring + openinlinelink closeinlinelink } +INTEGERS { hrefform inlinelinks makeinlinelink + addeprints adddoiresolver addpubmedresolver } +FUNCTION {init.urlbst.variables} +{ + % The following constants may be adjusted by hand, if desired + + % The first set allow you to enable or disable certain functionality. + #1 'addeprints := % 0=no eprints; 1=include eprints + #1 'adddoiresolver := % 0=no DOI resolver; 1=include it + #1 'addpubmedresolver := % 0=no PUBMED resolver; 1=include it + #2 'hrefform := % 0=no crossrefs; 1=hypertex xrefs; 2=hyperref refs + #1 'inlinelinks := % 0=URLs explicit; 1=URLs attached to titles + + % String constants, which you _might_ want to tweak. + "URL: " 'urlintro := % prefix before URL; typically "Available from:" or "URL": + "online" 'onlinestring := % indication that resource is online; typically "online" + "cited " 'citedstring := % indicator of citation date; typically "cited " + "[link]" 'linktextstring := % dummy link text; typically "[link]" + "" 'eprinturl := % prefix to make URL from eprint ref + "arXiv:" 'eprintprefix := % text prefix printed before eprint ref; typically "arXiv:" + "" 'doiurl := % prefix to make URL from DOI + "doi:" 'doiprefix := % text prefix printed before DOI ref; typically "doi:" + "" 'pubmedurl := % prefix to make URL from PUBMED + "PMID:" 'pubmedprefix := % text prefix printed before PUBMED ref; typically "PMID:" + + % The following are internal state variables, not configuration constants, + % so they shouldn't be fiddled with. + #0 'makeinlinelink := % state variable managed by possibly.setup.inlinelink + "" 'openinlinelink := % ditto + "" 'closeinlinelink := % ditto +} +INTEGERS { + bracket.state + outside.brackets + open.brackets + within.brackets + close.brackets +} +% ...urlbst to here +FUNCTION {init.state.consts} +{ #0 'outside.brackets := % urlbst... + #1 'open.brackets := + #2 'within.brackets := + #3 'close.brackets := % ...urlbst to here + + #0 'before.all := + #1 'mid.sentence := + #2 'after.sentence := + #3 'after.block := +} +STRINGS { s t} +% urlbst +FUNCTION {output.nonnull.original} +{ 's := + output.state mid.sentence = + { ", " * write$ } + { output.state after.block = + { add.period$ write$ + newline$ + "\newblock " write$ + } + { output.state before.all = + 'write$ + { add.period$ " " * write$ } + if$ + } + if$ + mid.sentence 'output.state := + } + if$ + s +} + +% urlbst... +% The following three functions are for handling inlinelink. They wrap +% a block of text which is potentially output with write$ by multiple +% other functions, so we don't know the content a priori. +% They communicate between each other using the variables makeinlinelink +% (which is true if a link should be made), and closeinlinelink (which holds +% the string which should close any current link. They can be called +% at any time, but start.inlinelink will be a no-op unless something has +% previously set makeinlinelink true, and the two ...end.inlinelink functions +% will only do their stuff if start.inlinelink has previously set +% closeinlinelink to be non-empty. +% (thanks to 'ijvm' for suggested code here) +FUNCTION {uand} +{ 'skip$ { pop$ #0 } if$ } % 'and' (which isn't defined at this point in the file) +FUNCTION {possibly.setup.inlinelink} +{ makeinlinelink hrefform #0 > uand + { doi empty$ adddoiresolver uand + { pubmed empty$ addpubmedresolver uand + { eprint empty$ addeprints uand + { url empty$ + { "" } + { url } + if$ } + { eprinturl eprint * } + if$ } + { pubmedurl pubmed * } + if$ } + { doiurl doi * } + if$ + % an appropriately-formatted URL is now on the stack + hrefform #1 = % hypertex + { "\special {html: }{" * 'openinlinelink := + "\special {html:}" 'closeinlinelink := } + { "\href {" swap$ * "} {" * 'openinlinelink := % hrefform=#2 -- hyperref + % the space between "} {" matters: a URL of just the right length can cause "\% newline em" + "}" 'closeinlinelink := } + if$ + #0 'makeinlinelink := + } + 'skip$ + if$ % makeinlinelink +} +FUNCTION {add.inlinelink} +{ openinlinelink empty$ + 'skip$ + { openinlinelink swap$ * closeinlinelink * + "" 'openinlinelink := + } + if$ +} +FUNCTION {output.nonnull} +{ % Save the thing we've been asked to output + 's := + % If the bracket-state is close.brackets, then add a close-bracket to + % what is currently at the top of the stack, and set bracket.state + % to outside.brackets + bracket.state close.brackets = + { "]" * + outside.brackets 'bracket.state := + } + 'skip$ + if$ + bracket.state outside.brackets = + { % We're outside all brackets -- this is the normal situation. + % Write out what's currently at the top of the stack, using the + % original output.nonnull function. + s + add.inlinelink + output.nonnull.original % invoke the original output.nonnull + } + { % Still in brackets. Add open-bracket or (continuation) comma, add the + % new text (in s) to the top of the stack, and move to the close-brackets + % state, ready for next time (unless inbrackets resets it). If we come + % into this branch, then output.state is carefully undisturbed. + bracket.state open.brackets = + { " [" * } + { ", " * } % bracket.state will be within.brackets + if$ + s * + close.brackets 'bracket.state := + } + if$ +} + +% Call this function just before adding something which should be presented in +% brackets. bracket.state is handled specially within output.nonnull. +FUNCTION {inbrackets} +{ bracket.state close.brackets = + { within.brackets 'bracket.state := } % reset the state: not open nor closed + { open.brackets 'bracket.state := } + if$ +} + +FUNCTION {format.lastchecked} +{ lastchecked empty$ + { "" } + { inbrackets citedstring lastchecked * } + if$ +} +% ...urlbst to here +FUNCTION {output} +{ duplicate$ empty$ + 'pop$ + 'output.nonnull + if$ +} +FUNCTION {output.check} +{ 't := + duplicate$ empty$ + { pop$ "empty " t * " in " * cite$ * warning$ } + 'output.nonnull + if$ +} +FUNCTION {fin.entry.original} % urlbst (renamed from fin.entry, so it can be wrapped below) +{ add.period$ + write$ + newline$ +} + +FUNCTION {new.block} +{ output.state before.all = + 'skip$ + { after.block 'output.state := } + if$ +} +FUNCTION {new.sentence} +{ output.state after.block = + 'skip$ + { output.state before.all = + 'skip$ + { after.sentence 'output.state := } + if$ + } + if$ +} +FUNCTION {add.blank} +{ " " * before.all 'output.state := +} + +FUNCTION {date.block} +{ + new.block +} + +FUNCTION {not} +{ { #0 } + { #1 } + if$ +} +FUNCTION {and} +{ 'skip$ + { pop$ #0 } + if$ +} +FUNCTION {or} +{ { pop$ #1 } + 'skip$ + if$ +} +FUNCTION {new.block.checkb} +{ empty$ + swap$ empty$ + and + 'skip$ + 'new.block + if$ +} +FUNCTION {field.or.null} +{ duplicate$ empty$ + { pop$ "" } + 'skip$ + if$ +} +FUNCTION {emphasize} +{ duplicate$ empty$ + { pop$ "" } + { "\emph{" swap$ * "}" * } + if$ +} +FUNCTION {} +{ duplicate$ text.length$ #3 < + { "~" } + { " " } + if$ + swap$ +} + +FUNCTION {capitalize} +{ "u"$ "t"$ } + +FUNCTION {space.word} +{ " " swap$ * " " * } + % Here are the language-specific definitions for explicit words. + % Each function has a name where xxx is the English word. + % The language selected here is ENGLISH +FUNCTION {bbl.and} +{ "and"} + +FUNCTION {bbl.etal} +{ "et~al." } + +FUNCTION {bbl.editors} +{ "editors" } + +FUNCTION {bbl.editor} +{ "editor" } + +FUNCTION {bbl.edby} +{ "edited by" } + +FUNCTION {bbl.edition} +{ "edition" } + +FUNCTION {bbl.volume} +{ "volume" } + +FUNCTION {bbl.of} +{ "of" } + +FUNCTION {bbl.number} +{ "number" } + +FUNCTION {} +{ "no." } + +FUNCTION {} +{ "in" } + +FUNCTION {bbl.pages} +{ "pages" } + +FUNCTION {} +{ "page" } + +FUNCTION {bbl.chapter} +{ "chapter" } + +FUNCTION {bbl.techrep} +{ "Technical Report" } + +FUNCTION {bbl.mthesis} +{ "Master's thesis" } + +FUNCTION {bbl.phdthesis} +{ "Ph.D. thesis" } + +MACRO {jan} {"January"} + +MACRO {feb} {"February"} + +MACRO {mar} {"March"} + +MACRO {apr} {"April"} + +MACRO {may} {"May"} + +MACRO {jun} {"June"} + +MACRO {jul} {"July"} + +MACRO {aug} {"August"} + +MACRO {sep} {"September"} + +MACRO {oct} {"October"} + +MACRO {nov} {"November"} + +MACRO {dec} {"December"} + +MACRO {acmcs} {"ACM Computing Surveys"} + +MACRO {acta} {"Acta Informatica"} + +MACRO {cacm} {"Communications of the ACM"} + +MACRO {ibmjrd} {"IBM Journal of Research and Development"} + +MACRO {ibmsj} {"IBM Systems Journal"} + +MACRO {ieeese} {"IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering"} + +MACRO {ieeetc} {"IEEE Transactions on Computers"} + +MACRO {ieeetcad} + {"IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits"} + +MACRO {ipl} {"Information Processing Letters"} + +MACRO {jacm} {"Journal of the ACM"} + +MACRO {jcss} {"Journal of Computer and System Sciences"} + +MACRO {scp} {"Science of Computer Programming"} + +MACRO {sicomp} {"SIAM Journal on Computing"} + +MACRO {tocs} {"ACM Transactions on Computer Systems"} + +MACRO {tods} {"ACM Transactions on Database Systems"} + +MACRO {tog} {"ACM Transactions on Graphics"} + +MACRO {toms} {"ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software"} + +MACRO {toois} {"ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems"} + +MACRO {toplas} {"ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems"} + +MACRO {tcs} {"Theoretical Computer Science"} +FUNCTION {bibinfo.check} +{ swap$ + duplicate$ missing$ + { + pop$ pop$ + "" + } + { duplicate$ empty$ + { + swap$ pop$ + } + { swap$ + pop$ + } + if$ + } + if$ +} +FUNCTION {bibinfo.warn} +{ swap$ + duplicate$ missing$ + { + swap$ "missing " swap$ * " in " * cite$ * warning$ pop$ + "" + } + { duplicate$ empty$ + { + swap$ "empty " swap$ * " in " * cite$ * warning$ + } + { swap$ + pop$ + } + if$ + } + if$ +} +STRINGS { bibinfo} +INTEGERS { nameptr namesleft numnames } + +FUNCTION {format.names} +{ 'bibinfo := + duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ { + 's := + "" 't := + #1 'nameptr := + s num.names$ 'numnames := + numnames 'namesleft := + { namesleft #0 > } + { s nameptr + duplicate$ #1 > + { "{ff~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}" } + { "{ff~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}" } % first name first for first author +% { "{vv~}{ll}{, ff}{, jj}" } % last name first for first author + if$ +$ + bibinfo bibinfo.check + 't := + nameptr #1 > + { + namesleft #1 > + { ", " * t * } + { + numnames #2 > + { "," * } + 'skip$ + if$ + s nameptr "{ll}"$ duplicate$ "others" = + { 't := } + { pop$ } + if$ + t "others" = + { + " " * bbl.etal * + } + { + bbl.and + space.word * t * + } + if$ + } + if$ + } + 't + if$ + nameptr #1 + 'nameptr := + namesleft #1 - 'namesleft := + } + while$ + } if$ +} +FUNCTION {format.names.ed} +{ + 'bibinfo := + duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ { + 's := + "" 't := + #1 'nameptr := + s num.names$ 'numnames := + numnames 'namesleft := + { namesleft #0 > } + { s nameptr + "{ff~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}" +$ + bibinfo bibinfo.check + 't := + nameptr #1 > + { + namesleft #1 > + { ", " * t * } + { + numnames #2 > + { "," * } + 'skip$ + if$ + s nameptr "{ll}"$ duplicate$ "others" = + { 't := } + { pop$ } + if$ + t "others" = + { + + " " * bbl.etal * + } + { + bbl.and + space.word * t * + } + if$ + } + if$ + } + 't + if$ + nameptr #1 + 'nameptr := + namesleft #1 - 'namesleft := + } + while$ + } if$ +} +FUNCTION {format.key} +{ empty$ + { key field.or.null } + { "" } + if$ +} + +FUNCTION {format.authors} +{ author "author" format.names +} +FUNCTION {get.bbl.editor} +{ editor num.names$ #1 > 'bbl.editors 'bbl.editor if$ } + +FUNCTION {format.editors} +{ editor "editor" format.names duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ + { + "," * + " " * + get.bbl.editor + * + } + if$ +} +FUNCTION {format.note} +{ + note empty$ + { "" } + { note #1 #1 substring$ + duplicate$ "{" = + 'skip$ + { output.state mid.sentence = + { "l" } + { "u" } + if$ +$ + } + if$ + note #2 global.max$ substring$ * "note" bibinfo.check + } + if$ +} + +FUNCTION {format.title} +{ title + duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ + { "t"$ } + if$ + "title" bibinfo.check +} +FUNCTION {format.full.names} +{'s := + "" 't := + #1 'nameptr := + s num.names$ 'numnames := + numnames 'namesleft := + { namesleft #0 > } + { s nameptr + "{vv~}{ll}"$ + 't := + nameptr #1 > + { + namesleft #1 > + { ", " * t * } + { + s nameptr "{ll}"$ duplicate$ "others" = + { 't := } + { pop$ } + if$ + t "others" = + { + " " * bbl.etal * + } + { + numnames #2 > + { "," * } + 'skip$ + if$ + bbl.and + space.word * t * + } + if$ + } + if$ + } + 't + if$ + nameptr #1 + 'nameptr := + namesleft #1 - 'namesleft := + } + while$ +} + +FUNCTION {author.editor.key.full} +{ author empty$ + { editor empty$ + { key empty$ + { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ } + 'key + if$ + } + { editor format.full.names } + if$ + } + { author format.full.names } + if$ +} + +FUNCTION {author.key.full} +{ author empty$ + { key empty$ + { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ } + 'key + if$ + } + { author format.full.names } + if$ +} + +FUNCTION {editor.key.full} +{ editor empty$ + { key empty$ + { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ } + 'key + if$ + } + { editor format.full.names } + if$ +} + +FUNCTION {make.full.names} +{ type$ "book" = + type$ "inbook" = + or + 'author.editor.key.full + { type$ "proceedings" = + 'editor.key.full + 'author.key.full + if$ + } + if$ +} + +FUNCTION {output.bibitem.original} % urlbst (renamed from output.bibitem, so it can be wrapped below) +{ newline$ + "\bibitem[{" write$ + label write$ + ")" make.full.names duplicate$ short.list = + { pop$ } + { * } + if$ + "}]{" * write$ + cite$ write$ + "}" write$ + newline$ + "" + before.all 'output.state := +} + +FUNCTION {n.dashify} +{ + 't := + "" + { t empty$ not } + { t #1 #1 substring$ "-" = + { t #1 #2 substring$ "--" = not + { "--" * + t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := + } + { { t #1 #1 substring$ "-" = } + { "-" * + t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := + } + while$ + } + if$ + } + { t #1 #1 substring$ * + t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := + } + if$ + } + while$ +} + +FUNCTION {} +{ capitalize + " " * } + +FUNCTION {} +{ year "year" bibinfo.check duplicate$ empty$ + { + } + 'skip$ + if$ + extra.label * + before.all 'output.state := + after.sentence 'output.state := +} +FUNCTION {format.btitle} +{ title "title" bibinfo.check + duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ + { + emphasize + } + if$ +} +FUNCTION {either.or.check} +{ empty$ + 'pop$ + { "can't use both " swap$ * " fields in " * cite$ * warning$ } + if$ +} +FUNCTION {format.bvolume} +{ volume empty$ + { "" } + { bbl.volume volume + "volume" bibinfo.check * * + series "series" bibinfo.check + duplicate$ empty$ 'pop$ + { swap$ bbl.of space.word * swap$ + emphasize * } + if$ + "volume and number" number either.or.check + } + if$ +} +FUNCTION {format.number.series} +{ volume empty$ + { number empty$ + { series field.or.null } + { series empty$ + { number "number" bibinfo.check } + { output.state mid.sentence = + { bbl.number } + { bbl.number capitalize } + if$ + number "number" bibinfo.check * * + space.word * + series "series" bibinfo.check * + } + if$ + } + if$ + } + { "" } + if$ +} + +FUNCTION {format.edition} +{ edition duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ + { + output.state mid.sentence = + { "l" } + { "t" } + if$$ + "edition" bibinfo.check + " " * bbl.edition * + } + if$ +} +INTEGERS { multiresult } +FUNCTION {} +{ 't := + #0 'multiresult := + { multiresult not + t empty$ not + and + } + { t #1 #1 substring$ + duplicate$ "-" = + swap$ duplicate$ "," = + swap$ "+" = + or or + { #1 'multiresult := } + { t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := } + if$ + } + while$ + multiresult +} +FUNCTION {format.pages} +{ pages duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ + { duplicate$ + { + bbl.pages swap$ + n.dashify + } + { + swap$ + } + if$ + + "pages" bibinfo.check + * * + } + if$ +} +FUNCTION {format.journal.pages} +{ pages duplicate$ empty$ 'pop$ + { swap$ duplicate$ empty$ + { pop$ pop$ format.pages } + { + ":" * + swap$ + n.dashify + "pages" bibinfo.check + * + } + if$ + } + if$ +} +FUNCTION {format.vol.num.pages} +{ volume field.or.null + duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ + { + "volume" bibinfo.check + } + if$ + number "number" bibinfo.check duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ + { + swap$ duplicate$ empty$ + { "there's a number but no volume in " cite$ * warning$ } + 'skip$ + if$ + swap$ + "(" swap$ * ")" * + } + if$ * + format.journal.pages +} + +FUNCTION {format.chapter} +{ chapter empty$ + 'format.pages + { type empty$ + { bbl.chapter } + { type "l"$ + "type" bibinfo.check + } + if$ + chapter + "chapter" bibinfo.check + * * + } + if$ +} + +FUNCTION {format.chapter.pages} +{ chapter empty$ + 'format.pages + { type empty$ + { bbl.chapter } + { type "l"$ + "type" bibinfo.check + } + if$ + chapter + "chapter" bibinfo.check + * * + pages empty$ + 'skip$ + { ", " * format.pages * } + if$ + } + if$ +} + +FUNCTION {format.booktitle} +{ + booktitle "booktitle" bibinfo.check + emphasize +} +FUNCTION {} +{ format.booktitle duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ + { + swap$ * + } + if$ +} +FUNCTION {} +{ format.booktitle duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ + { + editor "editor" format.names.ed duplicate$ empty$ 'pop$ + { + "," * + " " * + get.bbl.editor + ", " * + * swap$ + * } + if$ + swap$ * + } + if$ +} +FUNCTION {format.thesis.type} +{ type duplicate$ empty$ + 'pop$ + { swap$ pop$ + "t"$ "type" bibinfo.check + } + if$ +} +FUNCTION {} +{ number "number" bibinfo.check + type duplicate$ empty$ + { pop$ bbl.techrep } + 'skip$ + if$ + "type" bibinfo.check + swap$ duplicate$ empty$ + { pop$ "t"$ } + { * * } + if$ +} +FUNCTION {format.article.crossref} +{ + + " \cite{" * crossref * "}" * +} +FUNCTION {} +{ volume duplicate$ empty$ + { "empty volume in " cite$ * "'s crossref of " * crossref * warning$ + pop$ + } + { bbl.volume + capitalize + swap$ "volume" bibinfo.check * * bbl.of space.word * + } + if$ + " \cite{" * crossref * "}" * +} +FUNCTION {format.incoll.inproc.crossref} +{ + + " \cite{" * crossref * "}" * +} +FUNCTION {} +{ 't := + "" + address empty$ t empty$ and + 'skip$ + { + t empty$ + { address "address" bibinfo.check * + } + { t * + address empty$ + 'skip$ + { ", " * address "address" bibinfo.check * } + if$ + } + if$ + } + if$ +} +FUNCTION {format.publisher.address} +{ publisher "publisher" bibinfo.warn +} + +FUNCTION {format.organization.address} +{ organization "organization" bibinfo.check +} + +% urlbst... +% Functions for making hypertext links. +% In all cases, the stack has (link-text href-url) +% +% make 'null' specials +FUNCTION {make.href.null} +{ + pop$ +} +% make hypertex specials +FUNCTION {make.href.hypertex} +{ + "\special {html: }" * swap$ * + "\special {html:}" * +} +% make hyperref specials +FUNCTION {make.href.hyperref} +{ + "\href {" swap$ * "} {\path{" * swap$ * "}}" * +} +FUNCTION {make.href} +{ hrefform #2 = + 'make.href.hyperref % hrefform = 2 + { hrefform #1 = + 'make.href.hypertex % hrefform = 1 + 'make.href.null % hrefform = 0 (or anything else) + if$ + } + if$ +} + +% If inlinelinks is true, then format.url should be a no-op, since it's +% (a) redundant, and (b) could end up as a link-within-a-link. +FUNCTION {format.url} +{ inlinelinks #1 = url empty$ or + { "" } + { hrefform #1 = + { % special case -- add HyperTeX specials + urlintro "\url{" url * "}" * url make.href.hypertex * } + { urlintro "\url{" * url * "}" * } + if$ + } + if$ +} + +FUNCTION {format.eprint} +{ eprint empty$ + { "" } + { eprintprefix eprint * eprinturl eprint * make.href } + if$ +} + +FUNCTION {format.doi} +{ doi empty$ + { "" } + { doiprefix doi * doiurl doi * make.href } + if$ +} + +FUNCTION {format.pubmed} +{ pubmed empty$ + { "" } + { pubmedprefix pubmed * pubmedurl pubmed * make.href } + if$ +} + +% Output a URL. We can't use the more normal idiom (something like +% `format.url output'), because the `inbrackets' within +% format.lastchecked applies to everything between calls to `output', +% so that `format.url format.lastchecked * output' ends up with both +% the URL and the lastchecked in brackets. +FUNCTION {output.url} +{ url empty$ + 'skip$ + { new.block + format.url output + format.lastchecked output + } + if$ +} + +FUNCTION {output.web.refs} +{ + new.block + inlinelinks + 'skip$ % links were inline -- don't repeat them + { + output.url + addeprints eprint empty$ not and + { format.eprint output.nonnull } + 'skip$ + if$ + adddoiresolver doi empty$ not and + { format.doi output.nonnull } + 'skip$ + if$ + addpubmedresolver pubmed empty$ not and + { format.pubmed output.nonnull } + 'skip$ + if$ + } + if$ +} + +% Wrapper for output.bibitem.original. +% If the URL field is not empty, set makeinlinelink to be true, +% so that an inline link will be started at the next opportunity +FUNCTION {output.bibitem} +{ outside.brackets 'bracket.state := + output.bibitem.original + inlinelinks url empty$ not doi empty$ not or pubmed empty$ not or eprint empty$ not or and + { #1 'makeinlinelink := } + { #0 'makeinlinelink := } + if$ +} + +% Wrapper for fin.entry.original +FUNCTION {fin.entry} +{ output.web.refs % urlbst + makeinlinelink % ooops, it appears we didn't have a title for inlinelink + { possibly.setup.inlinelink % add some artificial link text here, as a fallback + linktextstring output.nonnull } + 'skip$ + if$ + bracket.state close.brackets = % urlbst + { "]" * } + 'skip$ + if$ + fin.entry.original +} + +% Webpage entry type. +% Title and url fields required; +% author, note, year, month, and lastchecked fields optional +% See references +% ISO 690-2 +% +% +% +% for citation formats for web pages. +FUNCTION {webpage} +{ output.bibitem + author empty$ + { editor empty$ + 'skip$ % author and editor both optional + { format.editors output.nonnull } + if$ + } + { editor empty$ + { format.authors output.nonnull } + { "can't use both author and editor fields in " cite$ * warning$ } + if$ + } + if$ + new.block + title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ + format.title "title" output.check + inbrackets onlinestring output + new.block + year empty$ + 'skip$ + { "year" output.check } + if$ + % We don't need to output the URL details ('lastchecked' and 'url'), + % because fin.entry does that for us, using output.web.refs. The only + % reason we would want to put them here is if we were to decide that + % they should go in front of the rather miscellaneous information in 'note'. + new.block + note output + fin.entry +} +% ...urlbst to here + + +FUNCTION {article} +{ output.bibitem + format.authors "author" output.check + author format.key output + "year" output.check + date.block + title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst + format.title "title" output.check + new.block + crossref missing$ + { + journal + "journal" bibinfo.check + emphasize + "journal" output.check + possibly.setup.inlinelink format.vol.num.pages output% urlbst + } + { format.article.crossref output.nonnull + format.pages output + } + if$ + new.block + format.note output + fin.entry +} +FUNCTION {book} +{ output.bibitem + author empty$ + { format.editors "author and editor" output.check + editor format.key output + } + { format.authors output.nonnull + crossref missing$ + { "author and editor" editor either.or.check } + 'skip$ + if$ + } + if$ + "year" output.check + date.block + title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst + format.btitle "title" output.check + format.edition output + crossref missing$ + { format.bvolume output + new.block + format.number.series output + new.sentence + format.publisher.address output + } + { + new.block + output.nonnull + } + if$ + new.block + format.note output + fin.entry +} +FUNCTION {booklet} +{ output.bibitem + format.authors output + author format.key output + "year" output.check + date.block + title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst + format.title "title" output.check + new.block + howpublished "howpublished" bibinfo.check output + address "address" bibinfo.check output + new.block + format.note output + fin.entry +} + +FUNCTION {inbook} +{ output.bibitem + author empty$ + { format.editors "author and editor" output.check + editor format.key output + } + { format.authors output.nonnull + crossref missing$ + { "author and editor" editor either.or.check } + 'skip$ + if$ + } + if$ + "year" output.check + date.block + title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst + format.btitle "title" output.check + format.edition output + crossref missing$ + { + format.bvolume output + format.number.series output + format.chapter "chapter" output.check + new.sentence + format.publisher.address output + new.block + } + { + format.chapter "chapter" output.check + new.block + output.nonnull + } + if$ + new.block + format.note output + fin.entry +} + +FUNCTION {incollection} +{ output.bibitem + format.authors "author" output.check + author format.key output + "year" output.check + date.block + title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst + format.title "title" output.check + new.block + crossref missing$ + { "booktitle" output.check + format.edition output + format.bvolume output + format.number.series output + format.chapter.pages output + new.sentence + format.publisher.address output + } + { format.incoll.inproc.crossref output.nonnull + format.chapter.pages output + } + if$ + new.block + format.note output + fin.entry +} +FUNCTION {inproceedings} +{ output.bibitem + format.authors "author" output.check + author format.key output + "year" output.check + date.block + title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst + format.title "title" output.check + new.block + crossref missing$ + { "booktitle" output.check + format.bvolume output + format.number.series output + format.pages output + address "address" bibinfo.check output + new.sentence + organization "organization" bibinfo.check output + publisher "publisher" bibinfo.check output + } + { format.incoll.inproc.crossref output.nonnull + format.pages output + } + if$ + new.block + format.note output + fin.entry +} +FUNCTION {conference} { inproceedings } +FUNCTION {manual} +{ output.bibitem + format.authors output + author format.key output + "year" output.check + date.block + title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst + format.btitle "title" output.check + format.edition output + organization address new.block.checkb + organization "organization" bibinfo.check output + address "address" bibinfo.check output + new.block + format.note output + fin.entry +} + +FUNCTION {mastersthesis} +{ output.bibitem + format.authors "author" output.check + author format.key output + "year" output.check + date.block + title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst + format.title + "title" output.check + new.block + bbl.mthesis format.thesis.type output.nonnull + school "school" bibinfo.warn output + address "address" bibinfo.check output + month "month" bibinfo.check output + new.block + format.note output + fin.entry +} + +FUNCTION {misc} +{ output.bibitem + format.authors output + author format.key output + "year" output.check + date.block + title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst + format.title output + new.block + howpublished "howpublished" bibinfo.check output + new.block + format.note output + fin.entry +} +FUNCTION {phdthesis} +{ output.bibitem + format.authors "author" output.check + author format.key output + "year" output.check + date.block + title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst + format.btitle + "title" output.check + new.block + bbl.phdthesis format.thesis.type output.nonnull + school "school" bibinfo.warn output + address "address" bibinfo.check output + new.block + format.note output + fin.entry +} + +FUNCTION {proceedings} +{ output.bibitem + format.editors output + editor format.key output + "year" output.check + date.block + title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst + format.btitle "title" output.check + format.bvolume output + format.number.series output + new.sentence + publisher empty$ + { format.organization.address output } + { organization "organization" bibinfo.check output + new.sentence + format.publisher.address output + } + if$ + new.block + format.note output + fin.entry +} + +FUNCTION {techreport} +{ output.bibitem + format.authors "author" output.check + author format.key output + "year" output.check + date.block + title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst + format.title + "title" output.check + new.block + output.nonnull + institution "institution" bibinfo.warn output + address "address" bibinfo.check output + new.block + format.note output + fin.entry +} + +FUNCTION {unpublished} +{ output.bibitem + format.authors "author" output.check + author format.key output + "year" output.check + date.block + title empty$ 'skip$ 'possibly.setup.inlinelink if$ % urlbst + format.title "title" output.check + new.block + format.note "note" output.check + fin.entry +} + +FUNCTION {default.type} { misc } +READ +FUNCTION {sortify} +{ purify$ + "l"$ +} +INTEGERS { len } +FUNCTION {chop.word} +{ 's := + 'len := + s #1 len substring$ = + { s len #1 + global.max$ substring$ } + 's + if$ +} +FUNCTION {format.lab.names} +{ 's := + "" 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editor, or key in " cite$ * warning$ + "" + } + { key sortify } + if$ + } + { editor sort.format.names } + if$ + } + { author sort.format.names } + if$ +} +FUNCTION {editor.sort} +{ editor empty$ + { key empty$ + { "to sort, need editor or key in " cite$ * warning$ + "" + } + { key sortify } + if$ + } + { editor sort.format.names } + if$ +} +FUNCTION {presort} +{ calc.label + label sortify + " " + * + type$ "book" = + type$ "inbook" = + or + 'author.editor.sort + { type$ "proceedings" = + 'editor.sort + 'author.sort + if$ + } + if$ + #1 entry.max$ substring$ + 'sort.label := + sort.label + * + " " + * + title field.or.null + sort.format.title + * + #1 entry.max$ substring$ + 'sort.key$ := +} + +ITERATE {presort} +SORT +STRINGS { last.label next.extra } +INTEGERS { last.extra.num number.label } +FUNCTION {initialize.extra.label.stuff} +{ #0$ 'last.label := + "" 'next.extra := + #0 'last.extra.num := + #0 'number.label := +} +FUNCTION {forward.pass} +{ last.label label = + { 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a/research/Internet-NLP/paper/main.tex b/research/Internet-NLP/paper/main.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e0d1fb7 --- /dev/null +++ b/research/Internet-NLP/paper/main.tex @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +\pdfoutput=1 +\documentclass[11pt,a4]{article} +\usepackage[]{acl} +\usepackage{times} +\usepackage{latexsym} +\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} +\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} +\usepackage{microtype} +\usepackage{xspace} +\usepackage{multirow} +\usepackage{url} +\usepackage{booktabs} +\usepackage{tikz,tikz-qtree} +\usepackage{pgfplots} +\usepackage{amssymb} +\usepackage{xfrac} +\usepackage{graphicx} +\usepackage{tablefootnote} +\usepackage{amsmath} +\usepackage{enumitem} +\usepackage{import} +\usepackage{tikz} +\usetikzlibrary{chains,shadows.blur} +\pgfplotsset{compat=1.14} + +\newcommand\BibTeX{B{\sc ib}\TeX} +\newcommand\inlp{Internet-NLP\xspace} +\newcommand{\eat}[1]{\ignorespaces} + +\definecolor{cred}{HTML}{DB4437} +\definecolor{cblue}{HTML}{4285F4} +\definecolor{cgreen}{HTML}{0F9D58} 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a/research/Internet-NLP/paper/ref.bib b/research/Internet-NLP/paper/ref.bib new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/research/Internet-NLP/paper/related_work/main.tex b/research/Internet-NLP/paper/related_work/main.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index 1810742..bea828d 100755 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ for d in */ ; do [ -L "${d%/}" ] && continue echo "$d" cd "$d" - touch + touch main.tex cd .. done